VIMC modelling groups are encouraged to host visiting fellowships, with financial support from VIMC.
One of VIMC’s goals is to foster a diverse international community of vaccine impact modellers. In line with this, we offer funding for visiting fellowships to support new, and enhance existing, collaborations within VIMC. These fellowships are particularly aimed at building relationships between existing VIMC groups and modellers in low- and middle-income countries.
Fellowship visits will be supported in Year 1 (September 2022 – August 2023) and Year 3 (September 2024 – August 2025). Eligible costs include travel, visas, accommodation and living expenses for up to one month; mentoring costs; and travel costs for a shorter reciprocal visit to ensure sustainability.
When assessing applications, we will consider the topic and scope of the proposed fellowship in line with VIMC priorities, the likely impact and sustainability of the relationships developed during the fellowship. We will also seek to achieve broad geographic representation and gender balance.
Applications to our fellowship scheme should be made by an existing VIMC modelling group. Please contact vimc@imperial.ac.uk to request an application form.
Read more about VIMC’s modelling groups.
If you do not already collaborate with a VIMC modelling group but have some link to VIMC’s work, you may be interested in our affiliate scheme instead. Affiliates may be based in any country.