How we work

Our core work aims to understand the impact of vaccination programmes in 117 countries. We use mathematical modelling to estimate how many deaths, cases, and DALYs have been averted by vaccination programmes, and how many more could be averted in future.
VIMC includes modelling groups for eleven disease-specific areas. These range from illnesses that mostly affect children, such as measles and malaria, to viruses that can cause cancer later in life, such as HPV and hepatitis B. In some cases, an effective vaccine has been available for decades. In other cases, a vaccine has only recently been developed and is used as one of many interventions.
We are uniquely placed to standardise and collate modelled estimates across these different disease areas to assess the overall impact of these Gavi-supported vaccine programmes. We are also able to utilise modelling to help answer important questions for policymakers. Through our project working groups, we ensure that we work with disease focal points and experts in vaccine policy and programmes, in addition to modellers.
Our scope is not limited to eleven disease areas. We also tackle questions about vaccine-preventable diseases more broadly. For example, we contribute to WHO’s estimates of lives saved from all vaccines globally, as part of the IA2030 vaccine impact estimates project. We are also well placed to set up new collaborations to help answer specific questions about other disease areas.
Through working with cross-cutting groups on health economics and geospatial aspects, we ensure that common issues across diseases are addressed effectively.